The Medical Effects of the Nagasaki Atomic Bombing
Medical aspect
The Effects of the Nagasaki Atomic Bombing on the Human Body
Acute phase
Rate of deaths due to the atomic bomb
Frequency of acute symptoms
Bone marrow
Early phase of late effects
Atomic bomb cataract
Chromosomal aberrations
Late atomic bomb effects
Thyroid cancer
Breast cancer
Stomach cancer
Excess relative risk of malignant tumors by site
Multiple primary cancers
Mental effects
Physical aspect
Physical damages
Map of damage
Physical effects
Blast wind
Heat rays
Atomic bomb survivor database
Estimation of radiation dose using the ESR signal from teeth
Radiation dose and death rate
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Excess relative risk of malignant tumors by site
Estimated value and 95% confidence interval of the excess relative risk (ERR) and 95%CI for major causes death (1950-2003).
Excess relative risk
Cited and modified from Ozasa K et al. Radiat Res 177, 229-243(2012)
At each malignant tumor site, excess relative risk was estimated on the basis of the gamma ray dose or the organ dose using the 2002 dosimetry system (DS02).
A significantly high excess relative risk was recognized in leukemia, malignant tumors of the esophagus, stomach, colon, liver, gallbladder, lung, breast, ovary, bladder and renal pelvis and ureter..
Atomic Bomb Disease Institute